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Contact Directory iCM.NET 1.2.0

Released 13/07/2022

New Features

  • CONTACTDIR-61 - Update Contact template to use the responsive image component


  • CONTACTDIR-49 - Email addresses are now output on the Contact template rather than the text "Email Contact Name" The address can still be configured to use a mailto link or link to a form chosen in the article extras


  • CONTACTDIR-37 - Add a <div class="container"> within the <div class="panel"> when a contact appears as a related article
  • CONTACTDIR-44 - Update and add missing social media icons
  • CONTACTDIR-45 - The email field was incorrectly displayed when no email address or email form was set
  • CONTACTDIR-50 - Align the appearance of the contact template with the Java version (and matching the screenshots in the docs)
Last modified on September 30, 2022

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