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iCM.NET (Theme) 19.6.393

A fix for summary and intro text in lists.

Dynamic iCM4j 12.11.68

Fixes for the video panel and related asset headings.

iCM4j 19.16.465

A fix for the print mode of the Document template.

Case Management 1.30.598

Clarifying and standardising the permissions used to view cases and perform actions from the case search and when assisting another user.

iCM.NET (Theme) 19.6.385

A fix for the description of facets in the search, plus the latest core resources to improve word wrapping in tables..

Dynamic iCM.NET 12.10.56

Two markup fixes, one for the site navigation ID and one for related content headings.

Standardised Site iCM4j 2.0.99

This release adds the latest version of core resources to fix word wrapping in tables.

Standardised Site iCM.NET 2.0.242

This release provides fixes for the Dynamic theme, Assisted Service, and LDAP single sign on.

Assisted Service iCM.NET 11.7.12

A fix for the complete interaction field not recording history properly.

iCM4j 19.16.461

An update to the latest core resources to fix word break and wrapping.

Core Resources 19.4.409

Two fixes for word breaks and wrapping.

Dynamic iCM.NET 12.10.54

Fix a problem where images are being cropped rather than resized.

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