Creating Repeating Pages
Displaying data from page instances
The data submitted on repeating pages can be displayed to a user using an HTML Template (server-side).
Summary cards
The example templates in the Handlebars Editors work with repeating pages. Add the template field to a page of your form that comes after the repeating page, then pick your repeating page from the drop-down.
![Summary Card Template](/image/6563/Summary-Card-Template/gi-responsive__100.png?lastModified=1690196447133)
The example summary card templates include the page title, and displays a card for each page instance. Each card includes the instance number, the form fields on the page, and links to edit or remove the instance.
![Summary Cards](/image/6564/Summary-Cards/gi-responsive__100.png?lastModified=1687354143483)
The cards also include buttons to edit and remove an instance. These buttons will only work if your summary cards are placed on a page other than a repeating page. If you want to display the cards on the repeating page, edit the templates to remove the NAVIGATIONBUTTON sections.
Customising the template
A range of Page Instance Handlebars Helpers have been added to display information about page instances. Existing helpers have also been updated so you can specify which page instance you need.
The Navigation Model example shows this form working.