End points are JavaScript functions that can be invoked via API Server calls. They can be used to provide an interface between the forms a user interacts with and the systems that the rest of your solution connects to.
Calling End Points From Forms
End points can be deployed to several different workers. The serverlibrary is only accessible server-side, the ajaxlibrary can be called from your browser, and the securelibrary can be called using the appropriate API Key.
Calling End Points from other End Points
Creating layers of end points can improve the security and reusability of a solution, creating an API that can be called from elsewhere.
Calling End Points Externally
End points can be deployed to a range of workers, each with different security settings, allowing some to be called by third party systems.
The end point editor lets you define a schema to validate the parameters passed to, and the response received from, your end point.
Configuration End Points
We've developed a standard pattern of end points that are used to hold environment specific configuration for each of our products and solutions.
End Point Trace and Log
The end point "this" object provides trace and log functions that can write information to the API Server console.
Asynchronous End Point Framework
These end points use API Server asynchronous requests to loop over a dataset, processing data in batches. The Site Session Store worker is used to record the state and provide polling.
Exporting iCM Object Data as a CSV
This example uses forms, End Points and a workflow process to export object data and save it as a CSV file. The file is stored in the platform's File Store.