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Advanced Searching with CSSearchMultiple

iCM's CSSearchMultiple class provides access to the SOLR search engine. These articles expand upon the API documentation to look at faceting, grouping, and various location-based searches. Full API documentation for CSSearchMultiple and the iCMAPI Worker can be found in the documentation for your release of iCM.

These article focus on using CSSearchMultiple via the API Server's iCMAPI Worker. They will be of interest to developers working directly with SOLR in the iCM.NET or iCM4j frameworks, although in those frameworks you'll be able to use the various add methods rather than being restricted to working through the request properties.


CSSearchMultiple includes three properties with which you can define facets that will be returned with search results.

Search Groups

Groups are similar in concept to facets, but rather than a list of facets followed by a count of matching articles, the results themselves are grouped.

Location Based Searches

This article looks at various ways you can work with indexed location data, including, sorting and filtering by distance, grouping results based on distance, and calculating distance from a point.

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