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The footer area is displayed at the bottom of every page. It contains site-wide components like the footer icons, bottom utility menu and copyright information.

Impact Footer

Bottom Utility Menu

The bottom utility menu is used to hold links to important pages on the site. The items displayed in this menu are links to the child articles of the article selected in the "Bottom utilities article" picker in the subsite configuration. The bottom utility article is normally turned off so that it doesn't appear in the site navigation and breadcrumb.

Tag Line and Summary (About Article)

The "About article" selected in the subsite configuration provides its heading and article summary as content for this section of the footer. Neither act as links.

Footer Logos

Multiple logos can be output in the footer by using the "Footer Logos" media picker in the subsite configuration. These media items use the image media type and may have links embedded in them.

Social Icons

Multiple icons can be output in the footer by using the "Social media icons" asset picker in the subsite configuration. These icons use the image media type and may have links embedded in them.

Copyright Information

The site's copyright information will begin with the copyright symbol, ©, followed by the current year and the site's name. The current year is supplied by the web server and the <Subsite title> comes from the text in the "Title" field of the subsite configuration.

Powered by GOSS

Below the copyright information is a link to the GOSS Interactive website. It is not content managed.

Last modified on 27 June 2023

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