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Impact Subsite Settings

These settings are specific to the theme. All of the core site features are described in the Subsite Configuration - Framework Features article.

Theme Articles

IMPACTTOPUTILSTop utilities articleThis article is usually turned off. It's child articles are output in the top utilities menu
IMPACTBOTTOMUTILSBottom utilities articleThis article is usually turned off. It's child articles are output in the bottom utilities menu
IMPACTSITEALERTSite alert articleThis article provides content for the site alert
IMPACTABOUTARTICLEIDAbout articleThis article provides content for the "about" section of the footer

Footer Logos and Icons

IMPACTFOOTERLOGOSFooter logosThe images may have an article or external link related to them
IMPACTFOOTERSOCIALICONSFooter social media iconsThe images may have an article or external link related to them


IMPACTSHOWCAROUSELShow carouselIf "Yes" the first feature group related to an article will be used as a carousel. The Home Template is controlled independently in its own extras

Navigation Rows

MAXTOPNAVIGATIONROWSNo. Navigation RowsThe number of rows in the site top menu

Metadata Text and Styles

IMPACTCTATEXTPROPERTYCall to action propertyThe property that holds button/link text
IMPACTPANELSECTIONTYPEPROPERTYIDPanel type propertyThe property that sets the panel types
IMPACTPANELSTYLEMODIFIERPROPERTYIDPanel style propertyThe property that sets a panel's style
IMPACTPANELSUBARTICLESTYLEMODIFIERPROPERTYIDSub-panel styleThe property that sets block styles
Last modified on 22 July 2024

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