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Exit this Page Button

Make it easy and secure for users to quickly exit a service, website, or platform whenever they need.

Welcome (Login Prompt) Smart Snippet

This snippet can be used on the first page of your form designs, prompting users to login, or continue as a guest. It also prompts staff users to start assisting a user.

Bookings Plugin - Participant Details

This plugin uses a repeating page to ask for additional information for each ticket that's been bought.

Memorial Book

A set of forms that create a book of condolences. Users can submit comments, which go through an approval process, before being published on your site. The memorial book can also be downloaded as a pdf.

Check a Date is Before Another Date

Compares two dates to make sure that the end date is after the start date.

Calculate Age from Date Input

Enter a date of birth and the person's age is displayed in a read only field below the date.

Calculate School Year Group

Works out the school year group that a pupil would be in when you enter their date of birth.

Identify jQuery in Forms

This utility end point returns a list of forms that potentially contain jQuery.

Post-19 Transport Application Case

Raise a case to apply for post-16 transport support.

School Nursing Referrals Case

School Nursing Referrals.

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