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Template Examples

These articles describe the Command theme's custom Home, Document and Feedback templates, and includes example implementations of the other core template types.

Authentication Template

The Command Authentication template displays standard page content, a login box with configured providers, and related articles as special links in the page body.

Browse Template

The Browse template lets a user explore sections of your site. Multiple levels of the template are used to build navigation categories, directing users to relevant content.

Default Template

The Command Default template displays article text and standard page elements, as entered in iCM.

Forms Service

The Forms Service template displays forms built using the iCM Forms Designer.

Home Template

The Command Home template brings together featured content from across the site.

List Template

The Command List template displays articles, features and media items in a multi-column, multi-page list.

My Account Template

The Command My Account template displays the current user's profile, their saved forms, and other article content in a series of panels.

Search Template

The Command Search template lets users search for content on your site and refine the results with facets.

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