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Cruise Subsite Settings

These settings are specific to the theme. All of the core site features are described in the Subsite Configuration - Framework Features article.

Theme Articles

CRUISETOPUTILSTop utilities articleThis article is usually turned off. It's child articles are output in the top utilities menu
CRUISEACCOUNTARTICLESMy Account ArticlesAppear next to the top utility menu in a contrasting style
CRUISEBOTTOMUTILSBottom utilities articleThis article is usually turned off. It's child articles are output in the bottom utilities menu
CRUISESITEALERTSite alert articleThis article provides content for the site alert

Footer Logos and Icons

CRUISEFOOTERLOGOSFooter logosThe images may have an article or external link related to them
CRUISEFOOTERICONSFooter social media iconsThe images may have an article or external link related to them
Last modified on 18 September 2024

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