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Inspecting Process Instances

Once a process has been deployed it is possible to inspect it, and view the details of any running or complete instances of the process.

Within the process modeller, click on the "Processes" header in the left-hand panel. Then expand the navigation until you find the process you are interested in. Beneath each named process will be a list of the various versions of it.

Process Navigation Menu

Click on a version to see a list of running and complete instances in the main work area:

Process Modeller - Process Details

To view more information about an instance, click its "Details" button. A dialogue will display the process instance's details, including any process variables and their values.

Inspecting a Process Instance

Click the "Close" button to close the "Instance details" dialogue when you are finished.

Filtering Instances

Process Modeller - Filter
The list of process instances can be filtered by clicking the "Filter" button to the top right of the list of instances. You can filter by users, dates or business key to return a list of all relevant instances. Enter the full business key, including hyphens, for example 2729-1689-2292-3213.

Process Filter

Last modified on 4 October 2023

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