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This function adds a packet of "event" data to a history. If the history does not yet exist it will first create the history and record any "subject" data. Attempts to log to a "sealed" history will fail.


datasourceString, optionalThe name of the datasource where this event will be logged. This parameter overrides the same parameter in the worker configuration which in turn overrides the default datasource
labelaString/int/real/bool, required, must not be null.

Maximum 50 characters
The first part of the unique compound key that identifies this history. Every history must have a "labela", the other four labels are optional.

By convention this label is used to identify the "service" this history relates to.
labelbString/int/real/bool/null, optional

Maximum 50 characters
The second (optional) part of the unique compound key that identifies this history.

By convention this label is used to store a unique identifier, such as the business key in a history generated by a workflow process.
labelcString/int/real/bool/null, optional

Maximum 50 characters
The third (optional) part of the unique compound key that identifies this history
labeldString/int/real/bool/null, optional

Maximum 50 characters
The fourth (optional) part of the unique compound key that identifies this history
labeleString/int/real/bool/null, optional

Maximum 50 characters
The fifth (optional) part of the unique compound key that identifies this history
subjectObject, optionalThis parameter will be ignored if the history already exists, otherwise it will be stored in the database against the unique key
eventObject, requiredThis packet of data will be appended to the end of the history identified by the unique key
sealBoolean, optionalSeal the history. The history will be switched to read-only mode and no more events can be added to it
coordinatesystemString, optionalEither "WGS84" or "OSGB". Defaults to "WGS84" if not supplied
fieldhintsObject, optionalField hints tell the history worker how to interpret fields in subject and event data. Hints have only been implemented for location, and only points are currently supported. Hints are generated automatically for fields recognised as location data from form submissions. Hints are not needed of you are logging "proper" GeoJSON as described below
fieldhints.locationObjectThis object has a single property in the format "fieldName": true. fieldName is the fully qualified name of a property in an event data packet. The value is always true. It is used to tell the history service that a particular field is the output of a location related form field type
timestampInteger (Unix milliseconds)Only available in Maintenance Mode., which will also allow you to log to sealed histories. An error will be returned and the history/event will not be logged if set when not in maintenance mode


If the log() operation was successful then the "result" structure will contain the following.

historyidThe unique ID of the history this event has been logged in
eventidThe key the database has generated for this event
eventposThe number of the event within the history


"method": "log",
"params": {
    "labela": "User",
    "labelb": "823",
    "subject": {
        "name": {
            "first": "Richard",
            "surname": "Green"
    "event": {
        "type": "birthday",
        "age": 42

"result": {
    "historyid": "d295ef5c-32e1-4806-b95d-b4fe90550874",
    "eventid": 347200,
    "eventpos": 2

Logging Geographic Data

Geographic points can be logged in event and subject data packets. Each point is represented by a GeoJSON object with two properties.

"type" will always be "Point" and "coordinates" an array of long/lat coordinates with an optional integer for altitude.

"method": "log",
"params": {
    "labela": "logginghistory",
    "labelb": "2",
    "subject": {
        "userId": "user",
        "description": "just a test"
        "mySubjectPoint": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [-2.961243, 51.974358]
    "event": {
        "description": "History Logged",
        "event": "HISTORY LOGGED",
        "myLocation": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [-0.1246892262, 51.4828989175]

Geographic Form Data

The location-based fields of the forms designer (location picker and client location) log their coordinates as a string when their form data is saved in a history event. Something like this:

"formData": {
    "data": {
        "FORMACTION.FINISH": "Submit",
        "LOCATIONPICKER": "51.4910227315,-0.131373291"

Because that's not valid GeoJSON, the History worker needs to be told that the string represents a location. If you use the Write Event form field, or store form data during a workflow process, the Forms Service and Workflow workers call a method (in FormUtils) which supplies a field hint to the History, flagging strings that look like coordinates as locations.

Note that the form location fields using Google maps record their geographic data as latitude/longitude values rather than longitude/latitude, so while the coordinates in saved form data may look like this:

"formData": {
    "data": {
        "TEST1": "test",
        "LOCATIONPICKER": "51.4828989175, -0.1246892262" //This was a point in central London, not somewhere off the coast of Somalia
    "formName": "STARTWORKFLOW",
    "typeName": "FORM_STARTWORKFLOW",
    "formDefinitionType": "FORMDEFINITIONEX"

The history worker will retrieve the event using this filter:

        "GEOGDISTLT": 10,
        "key": "",
        "to": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [-0.1246892263, 51.4828989176]

Data from Repeating Form Pages

If a form has repeating pages, and the form data is written to history, the data of the repeating page is structured as an array of objects (an object for each instance of the page). The array name is the name of the page, and the keys of each object are the field names. For example, history written by a workflow action field, with two repeats of page 1 would look like this:

"formData": {
    "data": {
        "PAGE1": [{
            "NAME": "Tim",
            "AGE": "41"
        }, {
            "NAME": "Leo",
            "AGE": "40"
    "formName": "TIMSFORM",
    "typeName": "FORM_TIMSFORM",
    "formDefinitionType": "FORMDEFINITIONEX"

So that it's possible to write filters that query this data, the keys of form data from repeating pages are stored using generic array indexes.

For example, given the form data above, the keys would be written to the database as[*][*].AGE. These keys can then be used in your filter objects. The actual keys[0][1].NAME are also saved, and used when the history is returned via the various API methods, so the event can be reconstructed and appear in the same format as the example above. It is not possible to write filters using the true array index.

Note that this wildcarding only takes place in the object.

Last modified on 31 October 2024

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