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Given an authSessionId identifying a valid AuthSession, returns the current status of the AuthSession identified by it.

If authentication is successful this method returns authenticated: true in the response along with details of the iCM Site User that was created/updated as part of the authentication process.

Internally, what is returned is the value of the ReturnData column.


authSessionIdString (UUID), requiredId of the auth session to return the status of

Response Fields

authenticatedBooleanWhether authentication was successful or not
providerNameStringName of the provider the user successfully logged in with
actionErrorMapNot null if an error occurred (ie an exception was thrown that could not be recovered from)

    "errorMessage": "",
        "errorDetails": {
        // Arbitrary details, e.g.
        // exceptionMessage,
        // exceptionStackTrace    
actionFailureMapNot null if an authentication failure occurred (i.e. wrong username/password)

    "failureMessage": "",
        "failureDetails": {
        // Arbitrary details
arbitraryReturnDataMapArbitrary information that can be returned from any AuthAction, e.g. token values.   May be of use in the future.
userConsentedToDataStorageBooleanWhether the user consented to having their data from a third party stored or not.
siteUserMapContains a single property, UserID
loggedinwithIntegerThe ID of the login user the user logged in with to start this session

Example Request

    "id": 295,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getAuthStatus",
    "params": {       
        "authSessionId": "9ea979c2-c0da-456e-8ed4-235df4fac8d9"   

Example Response

    "result": {
        "authenticated": true,
        "actionError": null,
        "arbitraryReturnData": {},
        "loggedinwith": 113,
        "siteUser": {
            "UserID": 1
        "providerName": "icmsiteuser",
        "actionFailure": null

Last modified on June 27, 2023

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