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Returns task information based on a number of parameters.

Note that by default this function returns details of currently running tasks as well as completed tasks, the "finished" parameter can be used to control this behaviour. This function is used by the workflow reports inside iCM.


executionIdStringOnly return tasks for the specified execution ID
finishedBooleanIf true, only return tasks that are complete, if false, only return tasks that are incomplete
firstResultNumberThe first result to return (results are numbered from 0); can be used in conjunction with maxResults to implement paging
includeProcessDescriptionBooleanInclude the expanded process description (documentation field) in the response
includeProcessVariablesBooleanWhether or not process variables should be included in the response
includeTaskDescriptionBooleanInclude the expanded task description (documentation field) in the response
includeTaskLocalVariablesBooleanWhether or not task local variables should be included in the response
maxResultsNumberThe maximum number of results to return; can be used in conjunction with firstResult to implement paging. Defaults to 5000 if not set
orderByDeleteReason"asc" or "desc"Sort results by delete reason using the specified ordering
orderByExecutionId"asc" or "desc"Sort results by execution ID using the specified ordering
orderByHistoricActivityInstanceId"asc" or "desc"Sort results by activity instance ID using the specified ordering
orderByHistoricTaskInstanceDuration"asc" or "desc"Sort results by task instance duration using the specified ordering
orderByHistoricTaskInstanceEndTime"asc" or "desc"Sort results by end time using the specified ordering
orderByHistoricTaskInstanceStartTime"asc" or "desc"Sort results by start time using the specified ordering
orderByProcessDefinitionId"asc" or "desc"Sort results by process definition ID using the specified ordering
orderByProcessInstanceId"asc" or "desc"Order results by process instance ID (note that the process instance ID is represented as a string so 77 will appear after 100)
orderByTaskAssignee"asc" or "desc"Sort results by assignee using the specified ordering
orderByTaskDefinitionKey"asc" or "desc"Sort results by task definition key using the specified ordering
orderByTaskDescription"asc" or "desc"Sort results by task description using the specified ordering
orderByTaskDueDate"asc" or "desc"Sort results by task due date using the specified ordering
orderByTaskId"asc" or "desc"Sort results by task ID using the specified ordering
orderByTaskName"asc" or "desc"Sort results by task name using the specified ordering
orderByTaskOwner"asc" or "desc"Sort results by task owner using the specified ordering
orderByTaskPriority"asc" or "desc"Sort results by task priority using the specified ordering
processDefinitionIdStringOnly return task instances for the given process definition ID
processDefinitionKeyStringOnly return task instances for processes which have the specified process definition key
processDefinitionKeyInList<String>Only return task instances that have a process definition key included in the supplied list
processDefinitionKeyLikeStringOnly return task instances for processes where the process definition key iS 'SQL LIKE' the specified value
processDefinitionNameStringOnly return task instances for processes which have the specified process definition name
processDefinitionNameLikeStringOnly return task instances for processes where the process definition name is 'SQL LIKE' the specified value
processFinishedBooleanIf true, only return tasks for processes that have completed, if false only return tasks for processes that are incomplete
processInstanceBusinessKeyStringOnly return tasks for process instances that have the specified business key
processInstanceBusinessKeyLikeStringOnly return tasks for process instances that have a business key that is 'SQL LIKE' the specified value
processInstanceIdStringOnly return tasks for the process instance that has the specified process instance ID
processVariableConditionStringThese parameters are used together, processVariableName specifies a process variable name, processVariableValue specifies a value and processVariableCondition specifies a condition; valid values for variableCondition are "equals", "equalsIgnoreCase", "greaterThan", "greaterThanOrEqual", "lessThan", "lessThanOrEqual", "like" and "notEquals"
sortOrderArray<Object>Enables multi-column ordering. For example specify [{"taskPriority":"desc"},{"historicTaskInstanceStartTime":"asc"}] to sort by taskPriority then historicTaskInstanceStartTime
taskAssigneeStringOnly return tasks that have the specified assignee
taskAssigneeLikeStringOnly return tasks that have an assignee that is 'SQL LIKE' the specified value
taskCandidateGroupStringOnly return tasks that have the specified candidate group
taskCandidateGroupInArray<String>Only return tasks that have one of the specified candidate groups
taskCompletedAfterDateOnly return tasks completed after the specified date
taskCompletedBeforeDateOnly return tasks completed before the specified date
taskCompletedOnDateOnly return tasks completed on the specified date
taskCreatedAfterDateOnly return tasks created after the specified date
taskCreatedBeforeDateOnly return tasks created before the specified date
taskCreatedOnDateOnly return tasks created on the specified date
taskDefinitionKeyStringOnly return tasks which have the specified ID in the process definition
taskDefinitionKeyLikeStringOnly return tasks which have an ID in the process definition that is 'SQL LIKE' the specified value
taskDeleteReasonStringOnly return tasks which have the specified deletion reason
taskDescriptionStringOnly return tasks which have the specified description
taskDescriptionLikeStringOnly return tasks which have a description that is 'SQL LIKE' the specified value
taskDueAfterDateOnly return historic task instances that have a due date after this date
taskDueBeforeDateOnly return historic task instances that have a due date before this date
taskDueDateDateOnly return historic task instances that have a due date equal to this date
taskIdStringReturn the historic task instance with the given ID
taskInvolvedUserStringOnly return historic task instances that involved this user
taskMaxPriorityNumberOnly return tasks with this priority or lower
taskMinPriorityNumberOnly return tasks with this priority or higher
taskNameStringOnly return the historic tasks with this name
taskNameLikeStringOnly return tasks which have a description that is 'SQL LIKE' the specified value
taskOwnerStringReturn the historic task with this owner
taskOwnerLikeStringOnly return tasks which have an owner that is 'SQL LIKE' the specified value
taskParentTaskIdStringOnly return historic tasks that are children of the task with the given ID
taskPriorityNumberReturn the historic task with this priority
taskVariableConditionStringThese parameters are used together, taskVariableName specifies a task variable name, taskVariableValue specifies a value and taskVariableCondition specifies a condition; valid values for variableCondition are "equals", "equalsIgnoreCase", "greaterThan", "greaterThanOrEqual", "lessThan", "lessThanOrEqual", "like" and "notEquals"
unfinishedBooleanIf true, only return tasks that have not finished, otherwise only return finished tasks
withoutTaskDueDateBooleanIf true, only return tasks that have no task due date, otherwise only return tasks that do specify a due date
All parameters are optional
Last modified on 5 October 2023

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