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Returns the details of a specific task.

assignedUserId or candidateUserId can be specified as an additional filter to ensure that the task is completeable/claimable by the specified user. If this is not the case an error response will be returned.


taskIdStringThe ID of the task to return results for
assignedUserIdStringOnly return the task if it is assigned to the specified user
candidateUserIdStringOnly return the task if it may be claimed by the specified user
includeCanUnclaimBooleanIf true, include unclaimability of task in response
includeEventsBooleanIf true include all events related to the task in the result
includeHistoricBooleanIf true include all historical data related to the task in the result
includeIdentityLinksBooleanInclude all users and groups associated with the returned tasks in the result
includeBusinessKeyBooleanIf true include the business key of the process instance that contains the task
includeProcessDescriptionBooleanInclude expanded process description
includeProcessVariablesBooleanIf true include all process variables of the instance that contains this task
includeRawFormDataBooleanIncludes "rawFormData" in the response which is suitable for passing to the forms service - this is intended for the use of template code only
includeTaskCommentsBooleanIf true include all comments related to the task in the result
includeTaskDescriptionBooleanIf true include expanded task description (documentation field)
includeTaskFormDataBooleanIf true include all form data related to the task in the result
includeTaskLocalVariablesBooleanIf true include all task local variables related to the task in the result
processDefinitionKeyInList<String>Only return the task if it has a process definition key included in the supplied list
The taskId is required, other parameters are optional
Last modified on 10 March 2020

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