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Data Importer

The data importer provides a range of tools that allow you to import CSV data into custom tables in the iCM database. You can create and delete tables, import new versions of data, purge old data, and index imported data in the platform's search engine.

Data is imported using importer scripts, which are tailored to the data you need to import. As well as creating tables and defining columns and mappings, these scripts can also include row filters and custom functions to transform the CSV data before it's imported.

Database and Importer Details

All functions take a parameter named ctx, which provides the context for this import. As well as details like the datasource, database type and importer module, this is also where batched imports are cached. Database details will usually be the values set in iCM's autoconfig, and referenced at the start of the importer script:

<cfset ds=APPLICATION.datasource>
<cfset dt=APPLICATION.databasetype>
<cfmodule template="/icm/admin/dataimport/importer_v1.cfm" name="di" datasource=#ds# databasetype=#dt#>

This is then used in each function as:

<cfset existingTable = di.tableExists(ctx=#di#, tablename=#tablename#)>


All tables created by the data importer are prefixed DI_ It is not possible to import data into any of the standard iCM database tables.



Tests whether a data import table already exists.


Makes a data import table. Will return an error if the table already exists.


Deletes a data import table.


Imports data from a CSV file into a data import table.


Indexes data from a table into the SOLR site collection.


Deletes a collection from SOLR.


Deletes old versions of imported data from a table.


Creating a table, importing csv data, setting up mappings and applying a filter.

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