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Multiple Payments

The Payment Basket groups payment form submissions together into a single order that can be paid for in one transaction.

Users can add items to their order, and view and edit the order basket to remove unwanted items. Baskets are time sensitive, expiring after a default time period, or respecting the shortest expiry time of the items in it. A basket is linked to a user by their login user name or their unique site session ID, making the Payment Basket available to users of your site who don't have an account and are not logged in.

The basket checkout form can link to a range of payment providers using the "dynamic item lists" found in most of our standard payment field types.

Using the Payment Basket

Forms linked to Multiple Payments add themselves to a list of items that an be paid for in one go. Users can manage that list from their basket.

Adding Items to a Basket

This article describes how to create forms that will add items to a user's basket.

The Payment Form

Payment forms are responsible for taking the contents of the basket, ensuring the items are in the correct format, then redirecting to the third party payment provider.

Configuration Options

Configuration for the Multiple Payment Basket is held in a single End Point, following our standard End Point structure.

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