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Echo Veolia Integration

Endpoint Overview

There are numerous End Points that make up the Echo Veolia integration:

Echo Endpoint Overview

These can be broken down into two categories:

1) Utilities

The sub-category you can see in the image above, is the utilities category. These are critical to the function of the Echo Veolia integration and should never be invoked directly by anything other than the Integration Points.

Here is a summary of what each internal utility End Point does:

requestHandler - The request handler is the shared endpoint that all integration endpoints call into. No single integration point endpoint makes their own request, they simply construct the relevant payload, and method parameter, for their purpose to help ensure a single point of maintenance if any outgoing changes are required in the future.

responseHandler - Similarly, the response handler deals with converting and shaping the resulting response from the API, or if a failure state is hit, so we can modify and maintain a single endpoint if the need arises without impacting other elements. The response handler mutates the resulting response from the API into a unified shape that each Integration Point endpoint will know how to handle.

soapConverter - If the useSOAP configuration property is set to true, or if the useSoap parameter has been specified to the Integration Point, then the soapConverter endpoint comes into play. This provides a number of utility methods to convert common JSON patterns into valid SOAP patterns for the service. This is required as a number of types have been defined within the Echo Veolia WSDL that need explicit mapping to avoid ambiguity, alongside the usual nested object types that interchange based on both the type, and number, of results found. What this helps the product achieve is the ability to support a more simple JSON based input and output schema regardless of the actual technology involved within the API itself.

soapRequestHandler - Similarly, the requestHandler would require a sizable amount of modification to also support the SOAP based request structure so these have been de-coupled. The soapRequestHandler takes the provided params from each integration point and constructs the required strong-soap action request to the Echo Veolia service using the converted data. This returns the raw SOAP response back to the caller ready for them to modify the data back into the JSON format using the SOAP to JSON methods within the soapConverter.

2) Integration Points

Each Integration Endpoint maps directly to a documented API method, with the same name, within Echo. These have request and response schemas, where feasible. There is a caveat that some areas have not been used as part of the initial development so no test data was made available. These will be highlighted within their corresponding article.

See Endpoints for an in depth look at some of the individual Endpoints.

Last modified on 24 February 2021

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