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Search for Room Bookings

The bookings search includes a range of filters and a keyword search. It's designed to be used by staff members to find bookings.


Booking Search

At least one filter or keyword must be entered, but otherwise you are free to be as specific or broad in your search as needed.

For example, you could search for all bookings in a building on a particular date, or all bookings for a particular room across all dates.

The keyword field searches for the booking title, or details about the host or booker (ie their name, email or phone number).


The search results display all of the information entered at the time of booking.

Booking Search Results


The room booking search article uses the Forms Service template and has the "Search for a booking" (SBSEARCHBOOKING) form related to it. The Building drop-down lists all of the articles beneath the buildings root article, the Room Type drop-down lists all of the values of the room type metadata.

Last modified on 22 July 2024

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