This video is looks at process variable filters in the Task Management template.
You'll need to be familiar with the process modeller, and know the names and values of the process variables you'd like to filter on before you start.
And I apologise in advance, there's going to be a bit of switching between tabs and waiting for caches to clear as I update things.
Here's an article using the template. It shows two different case types - we've got a couple of complaints and then some delivery problems, and a mix of open and escalated cases.
In the template article extras, you can create two types of filter.
One restricts the processes that will be shown by the template, the other generates a front-end filter in a drop-down.
They both work by only showing processes that include variables with certain values.
First we'll create a filter expression that limits the template to only showing certain processes.
I'm using Case Management as an example.
I've already picked Case Management in the process filter. This will show me all of the Case Management processes my user groups could be working on.
Because I want to restrict the template to only show certain types of case, I need a filter expression.
Here's an active case in the process modeller.
There is a variable in Case Management called form_casetype. The case type of this case is deliverycomplaint.
If I create a filter that has form_casetype="deliverycomplaint" the template will only show cases with that value.
I can create more complex filters using AND or ORS.
My case management case also has a variable for the case status.
If I create the filter form_casetype="deliverycomplaint" AND form_status="escalated"
I only get the escalated complaint cases.
Next we'll create a front end filter.
I'm going change the filter expression so it shows complaint cases. My front end filter will switch between open and escalated cases.
The variable is called form_status and the possible values are open,escalated
I can now filter the process by those two statuses.
This example used Case Management, but you can create process variable filters for any of your workflow processes.
As always, there more information on the docs site.