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Core Resources 19.2.264

Released 07/03/2022


  • FRAMEWORK-424 - Remove the zoom style from all stylesheets as this was only ever used by unsupported versions of Internet Explorer
  • FRAMEWORK-514 - Hide the site breadcrumb when printing
  • FRAMEWORK-555 - Add a default line-height of 1.5 to the body selector
  • FRAMEWORK-556 - Now that FRAMEWORK-555 has been implemented, remove all unnecessary line-heights from other classes
  • FRAMEWORK-557 - Add word wrapping to all heading elements to avoid text overflows


  • FRAMEWORK-492 - Prevent the horizontal scrolling on the Document template caused by the "print" link
  • FRAMEWORK-517 - Fix the padding on the Document Section template so it doesn't introduce horizontal scrolling on smaller screens
  • FRAMEWORK-558 - Update the single checkbox form field, the checkbox element (.icmform .icmsinglecheckbox .icmcheck) so it has the CSS style 'opacity: 0;' applied to it to resolve an accessibility error
  • FRAMEWORK-559 - Add the missing internationalisation token for "result|results" on the Search template
  • FRAMEWORK-560 - Change the typo "Typehead" to "Typeahead" in form.css
Last modified on March 09, 2022

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