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Assisted Service iCM4j 11

Assisted Service iCM4j 11.7.24

The search bar now uses the framework search component, fixing a problem with duplicate search icons.

Assisted Service iCM4j 11.6.17

A fix for the interaction fields erroring if the Assisted Service article wasn't set in the subsite configuration.

Assisted Service iCM4j 11.6.14

A fix for the complete interaction field not recording history properly.

Assisted Service iCM4j 11.6.8

Update to the latest resources.

Assisted Service iCM4j 11.5.8

A fix for a problem where completing an interaction also cleared the assisted user.

Assisted Service iCM4j 11.5.7

A fix for the banner not updating.

Assisted Service iCM4j 11.5.6

Two fixes for the interaction fields when used on multipage forms.

Assisted Service iCM4j 11.5.5

New form field types to work with the interaction log and the ability to automatically start an interaction when assisting.

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