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Assisted Service iCM4j 11.5.5

Released 24/02/2021

New Features

  • ASSISTSERV-237 - Add new field types that can be used in any form to interact with the interaction log. See Assisted Service - Start/Update Interaction and Assisted Service - Complete Interaction for details of the fields and Interaction Logging with Assisted Service for a full description of the interaction log.
  • ASSISTSERV-238 - The Assisted service article should provide the "context" for the assisted service actions. This will use the current navigation article, or the article stored in the current session, or a new subsite configured article
  • ASSISTSERV-239 - When a user starts assisting another it should be possible to automatically start an interaction too. This behaviour is set in the article extras


  • ASSISTSERV-163 - Standardise the URL parameters that can be used with Assisted Service. See Assisted Service for a full description
  • ASSISTSERV-170 - On the begin interaction form "who" should be hidden if you already assisting a known user


  • ASSISTSERV-243 - Fix a problem where the interaction log didn't record a user if you were assisting them before starting the interaction


Last modified on April 01, 2022

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