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Assisted Service - Start/Update Interaction

This field type is used with the Assisted Service product and will only be present if the relevant version of that template has been installed. Note that the field also requires the Assisted Service article to be added to the "Assisted Service Article" property in the subsite settings.

The field creates or modifies an existing Assisted Service interaction with the variables provided by the field type.

If you are currently assisting a user the interaction is created/updated for them. If no user is being assisted, an interaction starts, the assisting banner is launched, and a user can be searched for.


LabelDescriptionType Name
ServiceThe name of the service that will be logged in the interaction. This can also be set by the variables functionSERVICE
ChannelThe name of the channel that will be logged in the interaction. This can also be set by the variables functionCHANNEL
Interaction variables functionAn optional JavaScript function that is executed server-side to pass additional variables to the interaction workflow and to dynamically set the Service and Channel. See below for an exampleACTIONFUNC


When this action executes (on page submission) the values of the Service and Channel properties are passed to the Assisted Service product and will be reflected in the assisting banner:

Start Interaction Field

The interaction log is also updated. In this example the user "Leo" was being assisted by "TIMG", the form field set the channel to "Phone" and the service to "Benefits". The timestamp is the time that the form was submitted:

    "pos": [1, 2],
    "acl": [],
    "event": {
        "private": false,
        "description": "Started contact interaction for Benefits via Phone.",
        "formData": {
            "data": {
                "CHANNEL": "Phone",
                "ASSISTEDUSER": "Leo",
                "SERVICE": "Benefits"
            "formName": "COMPLETEINTERACTION",
            "typeName": "FORM_COMPLETEINTERACTION",
            "formDefinitionType": "FORMDEFINITIONEX"
        "event": "STARTWORKFLOW",
        "userRole": "user",
        "userId": "TIMG"
    "fpos": [1, 2],
    "timestamp": 1610628293093

Variables Function

To dynamically set the value of the channel or service, return values for form_CHANNEL and form_SERVICE in the Interaction variables function. Additional variables can also be added to the log. For example:

function(helper, processor, props, context, value) {
    value = value || {};
    value.additionalVariable = "abc123";
    value.form_CHANNEL = "This channel";
    value.form_SERVICE = helper.getFieldValue("SERVICE");
    return value;

Last modified on August 02, 2023

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