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Deprecated Fields

These fields have all been replaced with newer versions, but are supported for legacy forms. You should consider updating any of your forms that are using them.

Assisted Service - User Profile Update Action

Updates the user that is being acted on behalf of, after save of a new user's profile via the assisted service module.

Calculated Field

Deprecated - use a text field instead.


Deprecated - use the reCaptcha field instead.

Custom Subsite Settings

This field is used in older style subsite configuration forms to hold name/value pairs of settings.

Date Range

Enter a single date or date range, with or without pop-up calendars. Various validation and formatting rules can be applied to the selected date, which is stored in an ISO 8601 format.

Helper Variable

Deprecated - use the new Form Helper Variable field instead.

Hidden Value

Deprecated - use the new helper variable field instead.

History - Log Event

Deprecated - use the new 'History - Write Event' field type instead.

Payment - Capita Action

Deprecated - use the Forms Service compatible version of the field instead.

Payment - Civica Action

Deprecated - use the Forms Service compatible version of the field instead.


Deprectaed - use the new reCATCHA field instead.

Subsite Setting Mapping

Maps subsite setting values to their .NET and Java equivalents.

Talend Data Integration - Upload Job Action

An action field that uploads a Talend data integration (*.zip) job.

Workflow - Start Action (version 1)

When submitted, a form with this field will start an instance of a workflow process, passing data from the form to the workflow engine.

Workflow - Upload Action

Deprecated by the business process modeller.

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