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Custom Subsite Settings

This field is used in older style subsite configuration forms to hold name/value pairs of settings. Most GOSS developed themes now use dedicated asset pickers and text input fields.


LabelDescriptionType Name
DefaultA JSON string that represents an array of the name/value pairs to be displayed when the form is first displayed. For example:

[{"name":"Name1", "value":"Value1"},{"name":"Name2", "value":"Value2"}]
These name/value pairs will be used to initialise the input rows in order
HandlersA JavaScript function that is called whenever a field event is triggered. This function is executed client-side whenever the page loads, or whenever the field changes. It is useful for modifying the values of other fields based on an entered valueHANDLERS
LabelThe field's labelLABEL
Max RowsThe maximum number of rows allowed. Leave empty to allow an unlimited number of rowsMAXROWS
Minimum RowsThe minimum number of rows allowed. Leave empty to allow zero rowsMINROWS
Name Column LabelThe text to be displayed above the column of "names"NAMECOLUMNLABEL
Value Column LabelThe text to be displayed above the column of "values"VALUECOLUMNLABEL
DocumentationAdd documentation to your field to help explain any complex functionality to future users. You might include information on what the field does and how it relates to other fields on the form. Notes added here are only ever visible in the Forms Designer, they can be searched for, viewed and downloaded from the action panel. See Common Field Properties for an exampleDOCUMENTATION
Last modified on 8 July 2022

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