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History - Form Reporting

This is a simplified version of the full History - Write Event field, with preset default values for almost all of its properties. It creates a new history with a labelc value of "reporting" which can be targeted by dashboards and reports.


LabelDescriptionType Name
Event Additional PropertiesA function that can be used to either add new properties to or overwrite existing properties within the event object. To add additional properties, return a JSON object from this function. To override existing properties, return a JSON object that includes one or more elements with the same name as an existing property.

See Adding and Overriding Properties on the History - Write Event article.
Reporting FieldsPick the fields whose values you'd like to store in the history. Do not pick any fields that may contain personally identifiable information - otherwise you'll invalidate the whole point of creating a "reporting" history. See the Labelc Histories and Reporting Data reference article for our conventionsREPORTINGFIELDS
DocumentationAdd documentation to your field to help explain any complex functionality to future users. You might include information on what the field does and how it relates to other fields on the form. Notes added here are only ever visible in the Forms Designer, they can be searched for, viewed and downloaded from the action panel. See Common Field Properties for an exampleDOCUMENTATION

Default/Hidden Properties

The following properties are set by default. Note that none of the usual subject or event user/proxy properties are recorded.

LabelDefaultType Name
Label AThe name of the formLABELA
Label BA unique IDLABELB
Label C"reporting"LABELC
Labels D and EEmpty stringLABELD, LABELE
Subject DescriptionThe form's descriptionSUBJECTDESCRIPTION
Event"Reporting data"EVENTEVENT
Event Description"Reporting data"EVENTDESCRIPTION
Event History Description"Reporting data"EVENTHISTORYDESCRIPTION
Event PrivatefalseEVENTPRIVATE
Store Form DatafalseSTOREFORMDATA
Form NameEmpty stringFORMNAME
Seal HistorytrueSEALHISTORY

Action Results

The following can be accessed using .utilGetActionResults once the action has been processed.

    "eventId": "1027",
    "success": "true"

Last modified on March 02, 2022

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