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Returns the responses of form actions that have occurred so far in the form.

The value is returned is a JSON object that contains the pages of the form, their instances, then further objects for each action on a given page.


Server-side only.




function(helper, value) {
    value = helper.utilGetActionResults();
    return value;


This form had two pages with various action fields on each. Note that the page instances are both 0 as the pages were only visited once. The field names, as set in the forms designer, are used. See the various form action field pages for more detail.

    "PAGE2": {
        0: {
            "FORMREPORTING": {
                "eventId": "1027",
                "success": "true"
            "EMAIL": {
                "numFailed": "0",
                "errorMessages": "",
                "numSent": "1",
                "success": "true"
            "STARTWORKFLOW_CONF": {
                "MESSAGE": "The process was started successfully, your reference is 9824-8513-6759-4348",
                "success": "true"
            "STARTWORKFLOW": {
                "success": "true",
                "businessKey": "9824-8513-6759-4348",
                "processInstanceId": "130477"
                "error": "Error executing scriptaction for field: [GETWORKFLOWRESULTSCRIPT] Thrown from inside a script action"
            "CONFMESSAGE": {
                "MESSAGE": "Thank You",
                "success": "true"
    "PAGE1": {
        0: {
            "DATABASESAVE": {
                "objectId": "19470",
                "objectType": "FORM_ACTIONRESULTTEST",
                "objectLabel": "e89fdf1e-b7da-4e12-8b82-92f836262c0d",
                "success": "true"

Last modified on March 11, 2020

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