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Standardised Site iCM.NET 3.1.0

Released 19/08/2022

New image size constraint behaviour, plus fixes for secure flags on cookies and search facet accordions.

  • STAN-142 - icmdotnet 19.6.89 to iCM.NET 20.6.98 and icmdotnet.caching 14.6.2 to 20.6.3. Image size constraints now support a defined component. See Core Resources 20.4.449
  • STAN-144 - icmdotnet.mvc 19.6.404 to iCM.NET (MVC) 20.6.420 with fixes for secure flags on cookies
  • STAN-145 - icmdotnet.mvc.theme 19.6.401 to iCM.NET (Theme) 20.6.422 with support for the new image size constraint behaviour, plus fixes for search facets, panel metadata and secure cookies
Last modified on April 11, 2024

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