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Standardised Site iCM.NET 4.0.5

Released 12/10/2022

  • STAN-164 - Update Slot Bookings from version 10.3.11 to 10.3.16, fixing a problem that prevented emails being sent
  • STAN-177 - Update icmdotnet.mvc.theme from version 20.4.422 to iCM.NET (Theme) 21.6.423, fixing the Open Graph meta tags
  • STAN-178 - Update Room Booking Search from version 1.0.6 to 1.1.3, which adds the latest PayPal payment field into the Room Booking product
  • STAN-179 - Update icmdotnet.mvc from version 20.6.422 to iCM.NET (MVC) 21.6.423 to make sure a 404 is returned when accessing switched-off media
Last modified on April 11, 2024

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