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Bookings 1.9.95

Released 28/10/2022

New Features

  • BPAY-1091 - A "confirm email" field has been added to the booking form. It is enabled by default but can be turned off by changing the config.enableConfirmEmail field in the Bookings configuration End Point to false


  • BPAY-1080 - The performance when generating the manifest of bookers has been improved by only fetching the details needed


  • BPAY-1042 - Bookings and event instances for events that had ended were still showing as active in User Requests and in the manage occurrences admin form
  • BPAY-1075 - The payment reconciliation changes added in Bookings 1.8.32 (which required manual upgrade steps) are now disabled by default to allow automated deployments without breaking changes. There's a new config.enablePaymentReconciliation boolean in the Bookings configuration End Point to enable this feature once the manual steps have been completed
  • BPAY-1085 - When updating an existing event occurrence and changing the plugin form, the change wasn't being respected
  • BPAY-1087 - Cancelling a booking generated an error (even though the booking was successfully cancelled)
  • BPAY-1089 - An event organiser wasn't able to cancel an occurrence if no one had booked onto it yet
  • BPAY-1094 - The GetMultipleInstances End Point had the potential to make expensive API queries so has been fixed
Last modified on November 04, 2022

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