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Standardised Site iCM4j 5.0.365

Released 25/11/2022

  • STAN-221 - Update Events from version 15.7.55 to Events iCM4j 15.7.61, improving the sizing of images in the Event template
  • STAN-244 - Update the Dynamic theme from version 12.11.68 to Dynamic iCM4j 12.11.80, fixing the "print" view of he Document template when used in this theme
  • STAN-246 - Update iCM4j from version 22.16.644 to iCM4j 22.16.650, fixing an accessibility warning in the list/paged navigation component
  • STAN-248 - Update Bookings from version 1.9.95 to Bookings 1.9.114, updating the payment reconciliation resources to the latest version, fixing a conflict at installation
  • STAN-250 - Update Dual Language from version 4.1.21 to 4.1.25, fixing an error that could cause problems on the login page when logging in with a third party provider
  • STAN-251 - Update the Cruise theme from version 12.10.105 to Cruise iCM4j 12.11.15. The CSS for the Home template's featured task panel (ie when it is set to appear as a panel between the home tabs and news blocks) now targets the .a-panel--featuredtask and .a-panel--featuredtask .a-panel__content classes. Note that the classes themselves haven't changed. This change resolves a conflict with the Panel template.

    This is potentially a breaking change. Any site skins that target .a-panel should be checked and updated to make their selectors more specific.
  • STAN-253 - Update the Panel template from version 1.1.103 to Panel Template iCM4j 1.2.111. All panel link buttons are now wrapped in an outer class of a-panel__linkwrap. The existing styles are in a nested span and cta-link--pt has become a-panel__link--pt. The new markup is now:

    <a href="/article/3092/Default-panel" class="a-panel__linkwrap">
        <span class="a-panel__link a-panel__link--pt">View more examples
            <span class="accessibility"> (Go to Default panel)</span>
  • STAN-259 - Update Data Export Manager from version 2.1.33 to Data Exporter 2.2.40, refactoring the exporter End Point to better cope with large "multi-stage" forms
Last modified on April 11, 2024

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