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Standardised Site iCM.NET 6.0.17

Released 13/01/2023

  • STAN-285 - Update Case Management from version 1.34.1002 to Case Management 1.34.1151, fixing character encoding in case history notes
  • STAN-286 - Update the Chill theme from version 14.10.53 to Chill iCM.NET 14.10.54, fixing the "share this page" email functionality
  • STAN-286 - Update the iCM.NET framework to use iCM.NET (Theme) 22.6.436, fixing the behaviour of the Google Analytics event form field
  • STAN-288 - Update the Impact theme from version 12.8.50 to Impact iCM.NET 12.8.51, fixing the "share this page" email functionality
  • STAN-289 - Update the Dynamic theme from version 12.10.71 to Dynamic iCM.NET 12.10.72, fixing the "share this page" email functionality
Last modified on April 11, 2024

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