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Standardised Site iCM.NET 7.0.19

Released 30/01/2023

Breaking Changes

iCM.NET (MVC) 22.7.430

In May 2021 (version 15 of the framework) we disabled the Expect: 100-Continue header in all POST requests made from the framework. This was to work around certain problems when proxying requests to the API Server.

We've since discovered that this workaround can cause problems with file uploads.

The original behaviour is now behind a feature flag (set at the framework level) as it was only actually needed by the Echo notification service. If you use Echo, this release is a breaking change, and you will need to have the feature flag enabled so that the header is once again removed.

If you don't use Echo, this is not a breaking change.

We're working on a change in the API Server itself to resolve this Catch-22 situation.

Import Content Reorganisation

Almost all of the products that are installed into your platform have iCM content (forms, end points, template definitions etc) that's installed with them. During an update, that content is placed in iCM's custom folder, then imported.

In this release we're restructuring some of the folders that hold that content, making sure that each product uses the same naming conventions. The following products in this release have restructured or renamed import folders, which has meant a version number increase. You won't find any changes to the product or the content that's being imported (unless listed elsewhere in these release notes).

  • Assisted Service version 11.8.21
  • Bookings 1.9.131
  • iCM.NET Framework Theme version 22.6.437
  • Panel Template version 1.1.53
  • Slot Bookings 10.3.19

Assisted Service 11.8.22

This release focuses on the interaction log feature in Assisted Service.

  • The ACTIVEINTERACTION form (described in Utilities - Viewing and Modifying Interactions) now uses the Solr search collection to improve performance, rather than querying workflow directly. That change has included making the channel and service form fields searchable
  • The BEGININTERACTION form uses the newer versions of the Start Workflow and Form Variable field types
  • When handing an interaction over to a colleague, the list of users has been refactored for performance
  • We've added a utility end point which can be run on a schedule to close active interactions older than a set number of days. See Assisted Service Technical Information for a full description

Bookings 1.9.130

The following payment fields have been updated to their latest versions:

  • Civica from to 10.1.6
  • Capita_SCP_MultiItem from to 10.1.12
  • WorldPay from to 10.1.4

These three fields all support payment reconciliation. The new versions will bring in the payment reconciliation shared dependency, removing the need for it to be brought in by Bookings itself. This shared project includes a scheduled end point (goss.paymentFields.shared.paymentReconciliationCleanup) which runs on a nightly schedule and deletes sealed histories (as these payments have been successfully reconciled) and histories older than 6 months (as these are unreconciled payments that are unlikely to be actioned). It also deletes all finished workflow instances as these are no longer relevant. This ensures personal information isn't stored in the platform when it is no longer needed.

Case Management 1.34.1197

This release includes two fixes. The first is for the addNoteToCase API end point, which would fail if certain variables were missing from the case you wanted to add a note to.

The second fix relates to the Data Retention Manager. In current versions, when a DRM deletion schedule ran, some of the histories written by Case Management weren't being deleted (histories with "labela: "Case Management v1" were being left behind, those with "labela": "Case Management - <caseType>" were correctly deleted). In this new release all of the relevant data is removed according to your schedule.

A utility end point has been included to tidy up existing history data and amend any schedules you have for Case Management history records. goss.DataRetentionManager.utils.resetCMSchedulesAndCleanupHistory should be run out of hours using an end point Scheduled Tasks. It only needs to be run once, but may take some time to complete.

Events 15.6.48

We've added some missing ARIA properties to the Calendar template.

Website Themes: Chill 14.10.55, Dynamic 12.10.73 and Impact 12.8.52

We've fixed the "Share this page" email functionality, which was incorrectly encoding the subject line of the email, most noticeably adding + symbols where there should be spaces.

Last modified on April 11, 2024

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