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iCM.NET (Theme) 22.6.430

Adds a rel="noopener" attribute to the "powered by" footer link.

iCM4j 22.16.653

Adds a rel="noopener" attribute to the "powered by" footer link.

Core Resources 22.4.547

New styles for card layouts in forms and a fix for date input validation styling.

Contact Directory iCM4j 1.3.49

A fix for how the Contact template appears in lists and search results.

Chill iCM4j 14.11.68

A change to the "powered by" footer component.

Panel Template Resources 1.2.110

Unnecessary styles have been removed form the Panel CSS.

Standardised Site iCM4j 5.0.365

Improvements and fixes for Events, the Data Exporter, Dynamic theme and Panel template. This release also includes changes to the CSS used by the Cruise theme's Home template which will need to be tested if your site uses a custom site skin.

Standardised Site iCM.NET 5.0.12

Improvements and fixes for Events, the Data Exporter, Contact Directory, Dynamic theme and Panel template. This release also includes changes to the CSS used by the Cruise theme's Home template which will need to be tested if your site uses a custom site skin.

SharePoint Worker 2.0.4

Support for addin app-only authentication, and the sharepointSearch method has been deprecated and replaced by a new search method.

iCM.NET (Theme) 22.6.429

Improvements to the card and pagination framework components, plus a couple of fixes.

Panel Template iCM.NET 1.1.51

A change to the markup of links and buttons.

Panel Template iCM4j 1.2.111

A change to the markup of links and buttons.

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