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iCM.NET (MVC) 22.6.425

A fix for auto-submission on the site login article.

Standardised Site iCM.NET 4.0.11

The latest version of Case Management which includes the new case search, fixes for the Chill theme, date picker form field and Self Service template, plus a fallback to the auto-submission functionality of the login article.

Events iCM.NET 15.5.46

Update to the latest event resources to improve image sizing.

Events iCM4j 15.7.61

Update to the latest event resources to improve image sizing.

iCM.NET (Theme) 22.6.428

Include the latest core resources to fix date picker accessibility issues.

iCM4j 22.16.644

Include the latest core resources to fix date picker accessibility issues.

Core Resources 22.4.537

Two accessibility fixes for the date picker form field.

Chill iCM4j 14.11.64

A fix for image widths in the List template.

Chill iCM.NET 14.10.53

A fix for image widths in the List template.


A single fix to resolve API Server client connection pooling issues in workflow and forms service

Case Management 1.33.966

Fixes for dashboards and initial support for UPRNs in the case search.


A fix for the forms designer when adding snippets and a change to the attributes set on the goss-formsservice-clientid cookie.

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