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Bookings 1.8.60

An improvement to an internal End Point to return user display names.

Standardised Site iCM4j 2.0.85

Adds the Panel template to all of the themes, a change in styling to the List template, the latest version of Events, and fixes for Service Directory.

Standardised Site iCM.NET 2.0.201

Adds the Panel template to all of the themes, a change in styling to the List template, and fixes for Assisted Service, Bookings, Service Directory and User Requests.

iCM4j 19.16.452

An improvement to the structure of icm-content resources to avoid errors during deployment.

iCM.NET (MVC) 19.6.379

An improvement to the structure of icm-content resources to avoid errors during deployment.

Events iCM4j 15.7.34

The Calendar template now displays events up to a rolling end date rather than fixed, the ability to manage events via the calendar has been removed, plus an accessibility fix.

Panel Template iCM.NET 1.0.10

Fixes for list items, summary text and aria labels.

Core Resources 19.4.395

Update the mygovscot styling on the Authentication template.

iCM4j 19.16.447

Adds a missing internationalisation token to the Document template.

Bookings 1.7.49

Add missing payment field type dependencies in .NET.

iCM.NET (Theme) 19.6.372

The List template now uses the framework responsive image component.

Case Management 1.29.577

A new End Point for the Case Management API which can be used to start a case, the word "citizen" has been removed from much of the interface, plus fixes and performance improvements.

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