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Standardised Site iCM4j 9.0.559

Released 31/03/2023

Breaking Changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.

Case Management 1.35.1353

This release has a single fix. Previously, if you used the "Refresh" button while working on a case (the refresh button is normally only enabled during testing a debugging) and refreshed the case while you were on the linked cases tab, you could enter an infinite loop of refreshing.

Dynamic Theme 12.12.89

We've updated the size constraint of the site logo to match the .NET version. The maximum size has increased from 75px to max-width and height of 350px.

iCM4j Framework 23.16.805

The site search had incorrectly started to show all results in the suggestions drop-down rather than the four most relevant, so we've fixed it to behave as documented and to improve performance.

Impact Theme 13.7.81

The Impact theme styles related article panels with an alternating grey-white background colour. This was interfering with the Panel template when it was used with the theme, so we've reduced the scope of this behaviour. Existing articles and styles will be unaffected, and the Panel template will behave as documented.

Last modified on April 11, 2024

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