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Standardised Site iCM.NET 8.5.41

Released, 23 June 2023 09:23

Breaking Changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.

iCM.NET Framework

This release has the latest versions of:

  • icmdotnet.mvc 25.7.440
  • icmdotnet.theme 25.6.453

It includes:

  • Styling to support new form features that will be in the next release of the core platform
  • The manifest.json of the PWA will now explicitly return 'prefer_related_applications: false' and fixes some caching errors in the service-worker.js
  • A new feature in the Document Section template. It's now possible to customise the title tags output in the page source (this applies to the <title>, <meta name="twitter:title" /> and <meta property="og:title" />). The default matches the existing behaviour, which outputs the article heading. You can use the tokens [sectionheading] and [documentheading] to include the title of the parent Document article and to change the order
Last modified: 11 April 2024 10:20
Last modified on April 11, 2024

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