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Framework 12 Site Features

Framework 12 includes eight standard templates. These are: Authentication, Default, Document and Document Section, Forms Service, List, My Account, Redirect and Search.


All of our site frameworks, themes and templates are designed to deliver accessible content as standard. This article looks at some key features.

Configuring an iCM Subsite

A subsite's configuration holds settings that are used across the site. This includes elements like the site's title, the theme it uses, Google Analytics tracking IDs, and custom CSS and JavaScript files.

Contributor Actions

The contributor actions block provides specially authorised website users with a panel of links which will connect them directly to iCM. These links let the user edit or delete the current page, and create new articles alongside it.

Error Handling

The different types of error responses your site might generate can be content managed in the subsite configuration.

Image Handling

This article explains how our sites handle inline and related images.


Inlines allow an iCM user to embed content into an article's text area using the GOSS iCM Article Editor.

Related Assets

Related Assets are panels of additional content that can appear on the majority of site template types. Their position and titles will depend upon the theme used by the site, but the following features are common to most themes.


The sitemap.xml lists every public article on your site. XML tags can be managed using metadata.

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