About this Resource
Dependencies | JQuery, 3rd Party APIs |
Contributors | Scott Wilson |
Docs | N/A |
Source Control | N/A |
Article content is fetched via an AJAX request. Theh the following 3rd Party APIs are called:
- HTML5 - https://github.com/validator/validator/wiki/Service-%C2%BB-Input-%C2%BB-GET
- CSS - https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/api.html
- WCAG - https://achecker.ca/documentation/web_service_api.php
- Pagespeed - https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/v1/about
Validation occurs asynchronously, results are output in table format as each API response is processed.
Responses can be downloaded as a csv file.
Last modified on 8 January 2024