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executeSQL(sql[, parameters, datasource, transactionId, generatedKeyColumns, queryTimeout])


This function allows parameterised SQL statements to be executed against a datasource that the API server is aware of. Supported database types: MSSQL, MySQL, Postgres, and Oracle. Note that by default non-parameterised, literal values are disallowed for security reasons and will be rejected.


datasourceString, optionalThe name of the datasource to be queried. Defaults to iCM's datasource if not specified
sql (string, required)String, requiredThe SQL to execute, see below for examples
parametersAn array of objects, optional depending on whether parameterised value placeholders exist within the SQL stringEach parameter object represents a parameterised value corresponding to a placeholder in the SQL, very similar to JDBC's handling of SQL parameters. A parameter object consists of both a type and a value ( {"type":"varchar", "value":"Hello, world!" } ) with an optional "subtype" property required for NULL values. Arguments of type NULL require the type of the column to be specified via a subtype, e.g. {"type":"null", "value":null, "subtype":"varchar"}. See the Types table for a list of valid argument types and their corresponding JDBC types
transactionIdString, optionalIf specified the transactionId must correspond to a transaction identifier previously returned from a call to the beginTransaction method. Passing the transactionId to executeSQL executes the query within that transaction, regardless of the datasource parameter. See Transactional Support for more information
generatedKeyColumnsArray of column names, optional, Oracle onlyOracle supports returning values resulting from an INSERT statement (auto-generated IDs for example), but unlike other databases it must be told exactly which columns to return. If executing an INSERT statement on an Oracle backed datasource, and you are interested in returning auto generated IDs such as a primary key, simply supply the name(s) of the column(s) you wish to be returned in the response: { [...] "generatedKeyColumns": ["MyPrimaryKeyColumn"], [...] }. If columns are not specified via generatedKeyColumns for an Oracle database then an Oracle ROWID will be returned - this allows an extremely quick lookup of the just-inserted row via a normal SELECT statement.

When inserting data into a table with an auto-generated primary key (e.g. an IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY column in MSSQL) databases other than Oracle will automatically return any IDs (typically primary keys) generated as a result of that insert. MSSQL in this example can identify which columns to return as it has been explicitly declared an IDENTITY column. Oracle however does not support the concept of an auto-generated/auto-incrementing column and instead requires a BEFORE INSERT trigger to be defined which manually calls an internal sequence object to return a new ID into the specified column. Because of this reason Oracle has no way of telling what column values have been auto-generated, and must be told the columns to return by the caller
queryTimeoutString, optionalThe timeout for queries in seconds. Default 120


Parameter Type StringCorresponding JDBC TypeNotes
varchar | stringVARCHAR 
byteBYTEWrapped in a byte array for Oracle and Postgres as they cannot handle single byte values.
bytesBYTESSpecified as an array of integers within a valid byte range (0-255).
int | integerINTEGER 
decimal | bigdecimalBIGDECIMALSpecified and returned as a string to retain precision. Oracle returns all numbers as instances of BigDecimal as it only has one internal type - Number(n,n).
dateDATESpecified and returned as ISO 8601: yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ
timeTIMESpecified and returned as ISO 8601: hh:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ
timestampTIMESTAMPSpecified and returned as a millisecond precision integer or ISO 8601: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ

Transactional Support

The Form Utilities worker supports database transactions via four methods: beginTransaction, executeSQL, commitTransaction, and rollbackTransaction. beginTransaction opens a transactional connection and returns a transactionId which identifies it. This transactionId is a parameter to the three latter functions: executeSQL, commitTransaction, and rollbackTransaction.

Passing the transactionId to executeSQL executes the query within that transaction, regardless of the datasource parameter. Passing the transactionId to commitTransaction or rollbackTransaction will commit (permanently apply all changes made in queries executed within the transaction) or rollback (permanently discard all changes made in queries within the transaction) as appropriate and close it. 

Transactions are are automatically rolled back if there is no activity on a transaction (eg a successful executeSQL call) for a certain period of time. The default timeout is 60 seconds but this can be configured via the transactionTimeout worker configuration parameter.


This example demonstrates writing data into the database defined by the "test" datasource using parameterised values.

       "datasource" : "test",
       "sql" : "insert into FT_Messages (Name, Email, Message) values (?, ?, ?)",
       "parameters" : [
           {"value":"Henry", "type":"string"},
           {"value":"", "type":"string"},
           {"value":"So shaken as we are, so wan with care.", "type":"string"}

Last modified on 22 November 2021

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