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postcodeSearch (postcode, provider)

Searches for addresses that match a supplied postcode. Return an array of matching addresses. If there are no matching addresses the array will be empty.

The default postcode provider will be used if one is not included with your request.


postcodeString, requiredThe postcode to search for
providerString, optionalThe name of the postcode provider to use

Example Request

This request uses the example provider, which only returns results for PL6 7TL.

function(params, credentials)  { 
    let resp = this.callWorkerMethod("postcode", "postcodeSearch", {
        "postcode": "PL6 7TL"
    return resp;


The example provider returns an array of address objects in the following format, which is the format expected by the Address Lookup form field.

    "udprn": "10070767046",
    "company": "",
    "department": "",
    "line1": "24 DARKLAKE VIEW",
    "line2": "",
    "line3": "",
    "line4": "",
    "line5": "",
    "town": "PLYMOUTH",
    "county": "",
    "postcode": "PL6 7TL",
    "ward": "E05002086",
    "location": "",
    "easting": 251483.984375,
    "northing": 60263.73046875,
    "latitude": 50.42340377068654,
    "longitude": -4.092103889615438,
    "custodian": 1160

Last modified on April 16, 2024

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