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Request Parameters

GetTasksForObject Request Schema

Note - This method throws and internal exception when using SOAP as the communication technology. JSON works as expected.

Example Request:

    "objectRef": {
        "type": "RoundLegInstance",
        "value": [1058489, 7513],
        "key": "Handle"
    "debug": false,
    "options": {
        "includePoints": false

Response Parameters

GetTasks Response Schema 1

GetTasks Response Schema 2

GetTasks Response Schema 3

Example Response:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 23,
    "result": {
        "response": [{
            "ref": {
                "type": "Task",
                "key": "Handle",
                "value": [28770798, 7513]
            "taskTypeId": 3455,
            "source": {
                "type": "ServiceTask",
                "key": "Id",
                "value": [17282293]
            "serviceId": 566,
            "serviceUnitId": 29801796,
            "serviceTaskId": 17282293,
            "serviceTaskScheduleId": 28770798,
            "originalScheduledDate": "2020-07-27T00:00:00+01:00",
            "currentScheduledDate": "2020-07-27T06:00:00+01:00",
            "completedDate": "2020-07-27T15:00:00+01:00",
            "allocation": {
                "type": "RoundLegInstance",
                "roundLegInstanceRef": {
                    "type": "RoundLegInstance",
                    "key": "Handle",
                    "value": [1058489, 7513]
                "roundLegId": 1058489,
                "roundLegName": "A ROAD_43",
                "roundInstanceRef": {
                    "type": "RoundInstance",
                    "key": "Handle",
                    "value": [41357, 7513]
                "roundId": 41357,
                "roundName": "Monday",
                "roundGroupId": 6894,
                "roundGroupName": "Refuse 21 WkA"
            "state": {
                "source": "RoundLegInstance",
                "ref": {
                    "type": "RoundLegState",
                    "key": "Id",
                    "value": [2]
                "name": "Completed",
                "coreState": "Complete"
            "resolution": null,
            "data": [],
            "id": null,
            "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "timeBand": null,
            "points": null
        }, {
            "ref": {
                "type": "Task",
                "key": "Handle",
                "value": [28769254, 7513]
            "taskTypeId": 3510,
            "source": {
                "type": "ServiceTask",
                "key": "Id",
                "value": [17280989]
            "serviceId": 580,
            "serviceUnitId": 29801799,
            "serviceTaskId": 17280989,
            "serviceTaskScheduleId": 28769254,
            "originalScheduledDate": "2020-07-27T00:00:00+01:00",
            "currentScheduledDate": "2020-07-27T06:00:00+01:00",
            "completedDate": "2020-07-27T15:00:00+01:00",
            "allocation": {
                "type": "RoundLegInstance",
                "roundLegInstanceRef": {
                    "type": "RoundLegInstance",
                    "key": "Handle",
                    "value": [1058489, 7513]
                "roundLegId": 1058489,
                "roundLegName": "A ROAD_43",
                "roundInstanceRef": {
                    "type": "RoundInstance",
                    "key": "Handle",
                    "value": [41357, 7513]
                "roundId": 41357,
                "roundName": "Monday",
                "roundGroupId": 6894,
                "roundGroupName": "Refuse 21 WkA"
            "state": {
                "source": "RoundLegInstance",
                "ref": {
                    "type": "RoundLegState",
                    "key": "Id",
                    "value": [2]
                "name": "Completed",
                "coreState": "Complete"
            "resolution": null,
            "data": [],
            "id": null,
            "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "timeBand": null,
            "points": null
        "success": true

Last modified on February 04, 2021

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