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Diary Planner Settings

Diary Planner has three levels of configuration: global, application and appointment.

Config End Points

While there are certain settings which must be set at the appointment level, anything not set there will fall back to the application level. Anything not set at the application level will fall back to the global settings.

Appointment Configuration

function(params, credentials) {
    //This is the id of the slot type article in this environment for this type of appointment
    let appointmentTypeArticleId = 2098;
    //Add any additional values that you want made available to CTM templates
    let additionalCTMValues = {};
    //Add any additional settings that you want made available to the appointment forms
    let additionalSettings = {};
    let taskAssignment = {};
    let response = {
        slotTypeId: appointmentTypeArticleId,
        additionalCTMValues: additionalCTMValues,
        additionalSettings: additionalSettings,
        taskAssignment: taskAssignment,
        showOnDashboard: true
    return response;

appointmentTypeArticleIdInteger, requiredThis is the article ID of the Slot Type Template of this appointment type
All remaining settings are optional. If not provided those set at the application or global level will be used. See below

Global and Application Configuration

While these settings can be overridden at the appointment level, it doesn't generally make sense to.

Link Settings

The following settings must be correct for your platform, they are used by the booking forms to look up available appointments. They are also used to generate links that can be used in messages and emails. 

let linkSettings = {
    admin: {
        subsite: "staff"
    csu: {
        subsite: "staff"
    citizen: {
        language: {
            EN: {
                subsite: "citizen"

roleObjectThe roles defined for your user groups (see the roles section below)
role.subsiteStringThe name of the subsite the users in this role access (eg the name of your staff site for the staff user role)
role.articlesObjectArticle links to be output for this site, this can be picked up in your comms manager templates
role.articles.<articleName>StringSet <articleName> to the name for the article
Set the value to the friendly url or the article id of the article
role.languageObjectIf you have different sites for multiple language support, the name of each subsite needs to be added to a language code object
role.language.<languageCode>ObjectSet to the two digit language code that corresponds to the site's language
role.language.<languageCode>.subsiteStringThe name of the subsite
role.language.<languageCode>.articlesObjectArticle links to be output for this site
role.language.<languageCode>.articles.<articleName>StringSet <articleName> to the name for the article
Set the value to the friendly url or the article id of the article

User Task Settings

These setting control the forms and user groups used to manage and process the appointment.

The default settings can be overridden on a per user role basis by defining a role object and adding the names of the forms you'd lie to override.

let taskAssignment = {
    default: {
        confirmationForm: "SBDEFAULTCONFIRMATIONFORM"
    csu: {
        assignmentGroup: "CSA_GENERAL"
    admin: {
        managementForm: "SBCUSTOMFORM",
        assignmentGroup: "SLOTBOOKINGADMIN"

defaultObjectDefault settings for the forms to be used
managementFormStringThe name of the form to used to manage the appointment
processingFormStringThe name of the form used by administrators for processing an appointment 
confirmationFormStringThe name of the form used to confirm the appointment 
csuObjectSettings for csu user, any of the default settings can be overridden if required
assignmentGroupStringThe name of the site user group for CSU tasks
managementForm/processingForm/confirmationFormStringAny forms you'd like to override
adminObjectSettings for csu user, any of the default settings can be overridden if required
assignmentGroupStringThe name of the site user group for the initial administrator task
managementForm/processingForm/confirmationFormStringAny forms you'd like to override

User Roles

These settings control the user roles available in the rest of the settings and the user groups that are associated with a role. When creating a new application, we  recommend that you create a specific user group for administrators and update the admin user role to use that group.

anonymousUserIdIntegerThe site user id of the anonymous user
anonymousUserRoleStringThe name of the anonymous user role in your application. It is highly recommended that you do not change this value
rolesArray (Role Setting Objects)An object for each of the user roles you'd like to define, by default there are three:
admin - The administrators user group
csu - The customer services user group
citizen - The user group for users with a site user account who will be making bookings

Role Settings

The following settings are used to define a user role.

codeStringThe code for the user role
nameStringThe display name for the user role, this is for use in a future form-based configuration module
siteUserGroupsArray (String)The list of site user groups that are in this role
isAdminBooleanIf true, this is the administration role
isCSUBooleanIf true, this is the CSU role
canSelectAppointmentBooleanIf true, this user can use create appointments using the Appointment Selection Form when using the calendar


let userRoles = {
    "anonymousUserRole": "anonymous",
    "anonymousUserId": 1,
    "roles": [{
        "code": "admin",
        "siteUserGroups": ["SLOTBOOKINGADMIN"],
        "name": "Admin",
        "isAdmin": true,
        "isCSU": true,
        "canSelectAppointments": true
    }, {
        "code": "csu",
        "siteUserGroups": ["CSA_GENERAL"],
        "name": "CSU",
        "isAdmin": false,
        "isCSU": true,
        "canSelectAppointments": false
    }, {
        "code": "citizen",
        "siteUserGroups": ["CITIZENS"],
        "name": "Citizen",
        "isAdmin": false,
        "isCSU": false,
        "canSelectAppointments": false

Action Settings

The following settings control when, where and by whom actions can be performed. They are held in the variable actionSettings. The following top-level settings are used:

statusObjectThe actions that will be available at each status
processingActionsObjectThe action processing settings by action

Status Codes

The following are the default status codes for an appointment. They correspond to the steps in the appointment processing model. These can be extended if required for a new application:

CREATEDInitial status
CHECKED_INAppointment has been checked in
ASSIGNEDAppointment has been assigned but not started
IN_PROGRESSAppointment has been started
COMPLETEDAppointment has been competed

Action Availability Settings

These settings control when and by whom actions can be performed, the settings are stored against each status.

canCancelObjectWhether the appointment can be cancelled at the current status
canAmendObjectWhether the appintment can be amended at the current status
canRescheduleObjectWhether the appointment can be rescheduled at the current status
canCheckinObjectWhether the appointment can be checked in at the current status
canReturnObjectWhether the button to return to the calendar from the appointment form appears at the current status
canUpdateObjectWhether the updates to the appointment (like notes) can be made at the current status
canAssignObjectWhether the appointment can be assigned to a user at the current status
canStartObjectWhether the appointment can be started at the current status
canCompleteObjectWhether the appointment can be completed at the current status

For each of the above the following settings are available

alwaysBooleanIf true, the action can be performed by any administration user
isAssignedBooleanIf true, the action can only be performed if the administration task has been assigned and only by the assigned user
userRolesArray (String)The list of user roles that can perform this action
clearAssignmentBooleanIf true, automatically clears the assigned user when the action is performed

Action Processing Settings

These settings control what happens when an action is performed, the behaviour for Cancel, Amend and Reschedule cannot be controlled via configuration. Those actions are performed by the Slot Booking process and cannot be altered.

Available settings for an action
autoAssignBooleanIf true, when the action is performed the administration task will be automatically assigned to the current user
nextFormStringSets the name of the form that will be used for the next administration task
nextGroupStringSets the name of the candidate group for performing the next administration task
nextDescriptionStringSets the description shown in self-service of the next administration task. The following replacement tokens can be inserted in the description. 
#APPOINTMENT_TIME#Replaced by the time of the appointment. The default format isYYYY-MM-DD at HH:mm e.g.2020-03-24 at 16:15
#APPOINTMENT_DESCRIPTION#Replaced by the name of appointment - This default to the article heading of the slot type article for an appointment
nextStatusStringSets the status of the appointment after the action has been completed
ticketStatusStringSets the status of the book and pay ticket that holds the appointment details
clearFormBooleanIf true, the administration form setting will be cleared. This should only be done if no further administration processing is required on the appointment
clearUserBooleanIf true, the assigned user for the administration task will be cleared. The task can then be claimed by any member of the candidate group for the task

Additional Comms Template Manager Settings

This object lets you pass additional variables to the comms template manager to use in your email and message templates.

let additionalCTMValues = {
    diaryPlanner: "DiaryPlanner"

Last modified on 1 March 2022

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