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Slot Type Template

Articles using the Slot Type template define the appointments that can be created on the Slot Book calendars. They display no content of their own and are not designed to be viewed directly on the site. They should be created in a "hidden" area of your site and be hidden form the site search.

Article Heading

The article heading is used as the name of the appointment. It will appear in the various drop-down lists of booking forms and in the titles of booked appointment slots on the calendars.

Article Extras


The default length of this type of slot. This value will be used by the site user forms that create bookings, but can generally be overridden when creating appointments directly from the calendars.


Select the colour that will be used by these appointments when they appear in the calendars. These colours are set in the main Book and Pay configuration End Point, ie,

slotbooking.colours = [
    { name: "Blue", hex: "#4A90E2" },
    { name: "Purple", hex: "#8792BF" },
    { name: "Teal", hex: "#77CEBE" },
    { name: "Yellow", hex: "#C5E45A" },
    { name: "Orange", hex: "#FF9C00" },
    { name: "Dark Orange", hex: "#C57400" }


The disabled setting prevents appointments of this slot type from being booked.

"Gather data" Form

Select the form that will be used when creating bookings of this slot type. Only forms that start with the letters "SBCHAINED" appear in the drop-down.

Communications Template Manager

The name of the "application" defined in the Comms Manager.

Communications Template

The name of the group of email templates to use from the chosen application. These are the templates that will be used when this appointment type is booked.

Check for Future Time slots (Look-aheads)

Some booking forms display a list of the next available time slots. If this slot type should only be booked in the time slot selected via the calendar and not present other time slots to the booker, set "Are look-aheads enabled?" in the article extras to "No".

Appointment Processing

Once an appointment has been booked, clicking on it will, by default, link you to the next task form in the booking process, as described in Processing Appointments. To disable this click-through, set "Is processing enabled?" to "No".

Cancelling, Rescheduling and Amending Appointments

These fields control whether non-admin users can cancel, reschedule or amend appointments of this slot type. You can set the minimum time period prior to the start time changes can be made, and whether changes can be made after the start time.

The admin user group is set in the Configuration. Users in this group are always able to edit appointments.

Article Security

You can use article security to restrict the slot types available to users. When using the booking forms, users will only be able to select slot types secured to a group their user is a member of.

Configuration Summary

Field NameDescription
CONFIGA server-only helper variable. It should return details from the slotbooking section of the Book and Pay configuration End Point
COLOURSA server and browser helper variable. It holds the colours array from the CONFIG variable
Length (LENGTH)The duration of this slot. Used in the booking forms to calculate end dates and times once a start time has been selected
Colour (COLOUR)If "allowColourPicker" is set as true in the CONFIG field, this drop-down field displays the available colours that can appear as a background to the booked slots
COLOURPREVIEWA HTML template that displays the selected colour
Disabled (DISABLED)If true a user won't be able to book slots of this type from the date selected below
Disabled From (DISABLEDFROM)Use this date picker to set the date from which this slot type will be disabled
Details Form (DETAILSFORM)If "USESELECTAPPOINTMENTFORM" is set as "true" in the booking form (set in the Slot Booking article extras), this form is set as the value of the "APPOINTMENTDETAILSFORM" and task chaining is enabled. This allows a generic booking form to select a slot type and different forms to be used for each type of slot (see the Booking Appointments section for more information)
Communication Template Manager (CTMAPPLICATION)This drop-down lets the user select the "application" in the comms manager that is used with slot booking
Communications Template (CTMTEMPLATE)The group of templates in the comms manager to be used with this slot type
Enable Look-Aheads? (LOOKAHEADENABLED)If set as "No" the slot can only be booked at the time clicked on in the calendar. Set as "Yes" to see a list of additional possible times you might like to book
Enable Processing? (ISPROCESSINGENABLED)This option sets a "true" or "false" value that could be checked by your booking forms to disable the "Next Task Form" functionality
Can the appointment be cancelled? (CANBECANCELLED)If "Yes" users who are not in the admin group will be able to cancel this appointment
What's the minimum notice period? (HOURSTOCANCELBEFORESTART)The minimum number of hours prior to the start time to be able to do this
Can the appointment be cancelled after the start time? (CANCANCELAFTERSTART)If "Yes" the appointment can be cancelled after it's started
How long after the start time? (HOURSTOCANCELAFTERSTART)The number of hours after the start time it can be cancelled
Can the appointment be rescheduled? (CANBERESCHEDULED)If "Yes" users who are not in the admin group will be able to rescheduled this appointment
What's the minimum notice period? (HOURSTORESCHEDULEBEFORESTART)The minimum number of hours prior to the start time to be able to do this
Can the appointment be rescheduled after the start time? (CANRESCHEDULEAFTERSTART)If "Yes" the appointment can be rescheduled after it's started
How long after the start time? (HOURSTORESCHEDULEAFTERSTART)The number of hours after the start time it can be rescheduled
Can the appointment be amended? (CANBEAMENDED)If "Yes" users who are not in the admin group will be able to amended this appointment
What's the minimum notice period? (HOURSTOAMENDBEFORESTART)The minimum number of hours prior to the start time to be able to do this
Can the appointment be amended after the start time? (CANAMENDAFTERSTART)If "Yes" the appointment can be amended after it's started
How long after the start time? (HOURSTOAMENDAFTERSTART)The number of hours after the start time it can be amended
Last modified on 17 February 2022

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