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Task Management iCM.NET 1.0.0

This is the initial release of the template. See Task Management for the full documentation.


  • TMAN-7 - Process filtering. Allow users of the template to build filters for a particular process, limit the returned instances by the value of a process variable, and build a front-end filter in a similar way to Self Service
  • TMAN-8 - User and user group filter. The template should only show tasks related to users in the selected groups. These tasks are those assigned to a user and those claimable by the user. A front-end filter limits the displayed tasks to the group/user chosen in the drop-down
  • TMAN-9 - Results view. Tasks respecting the chosen filters are displayed in a table. Each row includes the task description, process description, business key, assignee (with reassignment options), task created date and task due date
  • TMAN-10 - Task actions. A task in the results view can be unassigned (should other eligible candidates exist), reassigned to another eligible candidate (defined in the workflow). Tasks flagged as "prevent unclaim" in the process model cannot be unassigned
  • TMAN-11 - Audit history. The template should write its own audit log to the history service, detailing reassigning/unassigning actions, in the same format as the Assisted Service audit log
Last modified on December 09, 2022

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