Cases can be linked to each other. The types of link are set up in your Environment Configuration and apply to all case types. Links are two-directional - creating a link in Case A to Case B automatically creates a link in Case B back to Case A.
Hi and welcome to this new features video for Case Management. Today we're looking at linking cases, released in version 1.26. In this scenario imagine a customer has raised a case to report a problem with a delivery. Later on the same customer raises a second case, this time a formal complaint. We are going to link the two cases together. Here's the complaint case. I can open the "Linked Cases" tab, then press "Add linked case". I need to enter the reference number of the case I'd like to link. I can see the type of case I'm linking to, and it's current status. Because I'm in a user group with permission to view the original case, I also get a link to view the full case details. I can then select the type of link. In this case the complaint was caused by the delivery problem. I can optionally add notes explaining why I'm creating the link. Once a link has been added, it appears in a table on the linked cases tab. Here I've got options to view the linked case, edit the link, or remove the link. Whenever you create, edit or remove links, private notes are also added to the case history. These notes are only visible to the case manager. Now, if I go to the original case about the delivery problem, and open the linked cases tab, I can see a link has automatically been created back to the new complaint case. For more information about linking cases and setting up different types of link, visit our documentation site.Transcript for Linking Cases