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Registrars History Records

Registrars uses the platform's history service to record appointment details and generate histories that can be used for reporting.

Booking History Record

When an appointment is booked, a history with the following labels is created:

    "labela": "BP Slot Booking",
    "labelb": "4185-0750-5462-8284",
    "labelc": null,
    "labeld": null,
    "labele": null

It holds all of the data submitted with the booking form, including personal information and for some appointment types, special category data.

Reporting History Record

A reporting history is written for each booking. Note the change of labela to SB_registrars.The first event contains information about the appointment, the second is written when the appointment is completed (when appointment processing is enabled).

    "labela": "SB_registrars",
    "labelb": "8723-4848-3231-7459",
    "labelc": "reporting",
    "labeld": null,
    "labele": null,
    "created": 1667218491240,
    "sealed": false,
    "subject": {
        "description": "Book Appointment"
    "lastupdated": 1667229122073,
    "events": [{
        "pos": [1, 2],
        "event": {
            "appointmentType": "1443",
            "private": false,
            "description": "Form: [Book Appointment] submitted.",
            "proxyUserId": null,
            "createdDateTime": "2022-10-31T12:14:51.125Z",
            "customData": {
                "dateOfBirth": "25/10/2022",
                "initialDate": "25/10/2022"
            "scheduledStartDateTime": "2022-10-31T15:00",
            "userId": null,
            "earliestAvailable": "{\"slotBookId\":1450,\"dateTime\":\"2022-10-31T12:15\"}",
            "walkIn": false,
            "event": "Form Submission",
            "userRole": null,
            "entryMethod": "BACK_OFFICE"
        "timestamp": 1667218491240
    }, {
        "pos": [2, 2],
        "event": {
            "concludedDateTime": "2022-10-31T15:12:00.966Z",
            "actualStartDateTime": "2022-10-31T15:11",
            "private": false,
            "checkInDateTime": "2022-10-31T15:11",
            "description": "Form: [Appointment Process Form (Registrars)] submitted.",
            "proxyUserId": null,
            "event": "Form Submission",
            "userRole": null,
            "userId": null
        "timestamp": 1667229122073

Last modified on October 31, 2022

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