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Contribute 1.1.3
A single fix for the location picker on the update forms.
Update 1100
Changes to the display name template behaviour, removing the PayPal authentication provider plus other fixes.
Contribute 1.1.2
An update to the default configuration.
Assisted Service Resources 11.5.10
Two improvements to reduce unnecessary logging and tracing to the API Server.
Case Management 1.25.246
Two fixes for the dashboards.
Core Resources 18.2.178
Reducing the logging of the save to session field type and a fix for the inline and media definition importers.
Contribute 1.1.1
A fix for potential errors caused by null values in the configuration.
Self Service iCM.NET 13.8.38
An accessibility fix for the checkboxes.
iCM.NET (MVC) 18.6.260
A single fix for the cache admin pages.
Case Management 1.24.234
User context variables are now present in summary forms, plus many fixes.
iCM.NET (Theme) 18.6.264
A change to how the document template uses alternate link text, plus fixes for the templates "print" view.
iCM.NET 18.6.85
Improving how smaller responsive images behave.